🇬🇧 A USEFUL SELF-STUDY SCHEDULE FOR EXAM PREP 🇬🇧 👉🏻... REAL SOURCES ARE A MUST BUT STUDENTS ARE TOO SELECTIVE...👈🏻 Put down your Charles Dickens, Harry Potter and pick up The History of 18th Century Mongolian Basket Weaving. Switch off Friends, Big Bang Theory and switch over to a Youtube documentary on how scientists have discovered squirrels doing MMA on badgers in Greenwich Park. Let's be honest, most of us would never subject ourselves to material we're not interested in but when doing an exam well , you don't have much choice. Train your brain, train your reading/listening skills and polish up your topical vocab along the way. So follow my study plan:💪🏻 ✅A - READING! Make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes a day on the following (don’t forget to record vocab, underline useful collocations, copy them into your vocab book... if you have one): 📆MONDAY http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ (National Geographic): select THEMES and randomly read an article whether science, travel, adventure, animals etc. 📆TUESDAY http://time.com/ (Time Magazine): click the box top left next to TIME and randomly read an article whether politics, business, tech, health etc. 📆WEDNESDAY https://www.theguardian.com/international (The Guardian): Randomly select different themes and select an article at random to read 📆THURSDAY http://www.bbc.com/ (BBC): randomly select a news article to read. 📆FRIDAY Continue reading a book of your choice PROVIDING it’s not a classic (continue with that after your course) ✅ B - WATCHING Don't watch your content passively with the video/radio etc. playing in the background. You need to listen attentively since you'll need to do the same in the exam. Train your ear at an early stage and make life easier for yourself down the line. Oh, and if watching something.... subtitles OFF! 30 mins a day, too. 📆MONDAY BBC Panorama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXbk9a-kBpU There are millions of these and many are suitable for B2 and above. Fulllllll of topical language that would impress the pants off your examiners. 📆TUESDAY A documentary of your choice. If something comes to your mind, type it into Youtube and see what pops up. An example: How do squirrels find their nuts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqdGlKbfUe4 (Hint: type in the theme + documentary) 📆WEDNESDAY BBC World service is a good one. Loads of different themes for background listening: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_world_service 📆THURSDAY Watch an episode from one of the following series: BBC Planet Earth 2, Countryfile, Who do you think you are, The Cruise, Britain’s Busiest Airport, The Force, The Great British Bakeoff. 📆FRIDAY Watch a film of your choice but still have pen and paper ready! Subtitles off!!! ✅C YOUR DAYS OFF... SO TO SPEAK 📆 SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Just Rest! These are just some example links for you to follow. Get out of your comfort zone and delve into topical English while honing your skills. Practice makes perfect after all.

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